Voice Training Courses
Voice Training Courses at Trivandrum, (Kerala)
Crash Course – One Week
This course is designed for singers who wish to have voice counselling and intensive training in a short duration, especially NRI’S who are on vacation or visit to India. All voice issues will be analysed to suggest remedial measures and exercises for self practice. Few follow up online sessions will also be provided to check the result for further suggestions.
Basic Course –Three Months
- To know the structure of voice
- Selection of proper pitch
- Various aspects of voice production
- Knowledge about functional voice disorders and remedy
- Practice methods and techniques to have flexible voice
Advanced Training for Voice – Six Months
- Enhance performance on the stage and in a recording studio
- Technical aspects related to microphone, voice mixing & presentation
- Psychological counselling is to overcome performance related phobias
- Basics of Classical Music including the knowledge of Swara, Rhythm and Raga varieties for Untrained Light Music Singers
Single Consultation Session
Single consultation is provided for those who wish to have one to one sessions with the voice expert related to the voice issues and any other aspects concerned with voice culture. One can have voice counselling to identify the nature of voice problems and also remedial measures for minor issues.
Vocal Carnatic Music – Regular Lessons
Lessons in Vocal Carnatic Music are conducted with a structured syllabus with emphasis on tonal quality and voice care. For boys undergoing puberty, (voice changing period), specific instructions are also given to avoid voice related problems.