Voice Culture India
Voicecultureindia offers the complete solution for all voice needs and training in the most effective methods of voice production for professional singers, students and teachers pursuing all styles of singing – Carnatic, Hindustani and Light music. We also impart training in vocal music to singers of all levels.Apart from the traditional exercises, many specialized techniques are taught as per the need of the student to increase the range and depth of voice, for the complete control of breathing, tone placements and control over all octaves of the voice, and to get rid of stage fear and related psychological problems. Voicecultureindia specializes in dealing with the appropriate remedies for all voice disorders.
Our voice expert Prof. Dr. T. Unnikrishnan has developed rare techniques and exercises for the right voice production and modulation, out of his vast experience as a professional singer and researcher in the field for more than 30 years. He has done an in-depth study and many experiments in the related disciplines of Physiology-Anatomy, Physics, Psychology and Yoga to develop these techniques. He also works closely with specialists in the medical profession to gain better understanding of the voice apparatus and its problems.
What is Voice Culture
Voice Culture is a branch of knowledge, which deals with the techniques of right voice production. Study of music and the voice go hand in hand. The art form involves learning to singa variety of ragas, compositions and the extemporization of music. A study of voicedeals with the right way of voice production and its adaptationfor the various styles of singing. Although the classical system of music in India has contributed many exercises to develop the skill of singing, a comprehensive study of all the scientific aspects related to voice cultivation and also the practice of technically developed exercises will help the singers to analyze their own voice and to manipulate the vocal apparatus for the perfect voice modulation.
What is Voice Quality?
Voice quality is the result of a combined action of the basic and natural function of the vocal organs (vocal tract configuration) and the acquiredqualities of the voice by scientific and systematic training and practice. Genetically determined factors of the vocal mechanism cannot be changed but with the help of the techniques one can mould them to make the voice more melodious. Ideally a good singer should be able to handle all the styles of music and voice modulation is the answer to developing this ability.
What are the subjects involved in Voice Culture?
Voice Culture is essentially a science and closely allied to the subject areas of Anatomy, Psychology, Physics, Yoga and Music.
What are the benefits of learning Voice Culture?
With voice culture, the voice becomes flexible with an ability to sing in all the three octaves effortlessly. The natural, breathing capacity will increase, thus enabling the singer to sustain a note for a longer period and to express a wide variety of phrases, gamakas, tonal colors and feelings using the voice. A singer can also minimise the impact ofage on the voice by applying the technique of tone placement. By controlling certain muscles and ligaments of the phonatory, respiratory and resonatory systems of the body, one can develop the depth and range of the voice. Negative aspects like stage fear, anxiety, tension and related problems can be eliminated by using specific techniques of positive thinking. One will be trained with the preventive measures to keep away from a variety of vocal problems, which result from incorrect vocal habits and voice abuse.
What is the role of Yoga & Psychology in Voice training?
The primary source of energy to produce the voice is the smooth flow of air provided by the breathing apparatus. All varieties of voice modulation and voice levelling can be mastered only when there is enough breathing capacity. Incorrect breathing can cause disorders in voice production. Hence Yoga and Pranayama are integrated in the voice training methods with a set of selected Asanas, Breathing exercises, Bandhas and Meditation.
Techniques of Auto Suggestion, Visualization etc are incorporated to enhance the unconscious competence factor and also to build self-esteem.
What is Voice Disorder?
A voice disorder is a common problem faced by singers, actors, dubbing artists, teachers, and public speakers. Voice problems result from organic or functional disorders. chronic Infections, diseases and genetic factors contribute to organic disorders. A functional disorder occurs because of incorrect breathing, singing in unlevelled voice, incorrect practice habits, imitation and general voice abuse that happen every day. Functional disorders tend to reduce the voice quality and range of voice producing an unnatural strain on the voice. If neglected it may lead to permanent injury and loss of voice.