Vocal Hindustani music
Vocal Classical Music
(Carnatic & Hindustani)
Lessons in Vocal Carnatic and Hindustani Music are conducted with a structured syllabus with emphasis on special attention and care for the voice. Specific instructions are given for boys undergoing puberty, (voice changing period), to overcome voice related problems. Apart from the traditional methods students are provided specially designed techniques for an easy learning of the 12 swara varieties and various aspects of voice production. The training is comprehensive with all details of the practical oriented theory to perfect the foundation. Classes are one on one session for 45 minutes every week.
Students can enrol for the basic as well as the advanced levels
Course for Children
A special course is designed for children in both Carnatic and Hindustani Vocal Music for a perfect foundation and further lessons. Techniques of proper voice production and breath management are also taught along with the traditional lessons. . Classes are one on one session for 30 minutes every week